Early Years Foundation Stage
We seamlessly integrate care and learning, paying attention to the all-round well-being of your child.
As your child progresses through nursery, we will ensure that they are challenged and fulfilled. We provide tailor made packages to help them settle in, prepare them for assessments and moving on to school.
The revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) introduced into all nursery settings, does not require us to work differently from the way we always have; the way that has guaranteed future success for our graduates. We share its principles, which are already embedded in our practice. We take time to stay up to date with research and developments in the early years, adopting a continuous review-evaluation-development cycle for continuously improving our programme.
The principles of the revised EYFS which guide the work of all Early Years practitioners are grouped into four themes. Seven areas of learning and development share our curriculum all these areas of learning are important and inert-connected.