If your child is continuing their journey with First Place until they go to school reception, they will transfer to our Pre school at 3 years where they are cared for in a welcoming and simulating room. The room is bright, inviting and set out in all areas of the EYFS which the children can freely access. As well as free play, the children participate in registration, show and tell, adult led focussed activities, group times, library reading scheme and phonic based activities. The children are encouraged to be fully independent and ready for their transition to school. We gift the children with a First aid course before they leave us to ensure they learn some important lifesaving skills and they also participate in a Graduation ceremony to celebrate all they have achieved.
They have access to their own dedicated outside space allowing time outdoors. The garden leads directly to an all-weather outdoor area.
In addition to the garden, the children also have access to an indoor hall area.